4th Grade Web Links

Animal Rescue - number line fraction game

Advanced Animal Rescue - number lines with fractions and decimals

Comparing fractions quiz


Fraction Models (best for learning - try here first)

Fraction tug of war, play against others!

Great Fraction Understanding Tool

**Fraction to decimal mission - this is great fun! convert fractions to decimals to complete the mission!

Angles Unit 6

Estimating angles

Geometry and shape games Unit 6

Polygon riddle game - from the clues and scrambled words, pick the polygon

Polygon sort - Can you decide which shapes are polygons quickly?

Interactive polygons- change the number of sides, make it concave - fun to explore!

Polygon Sort

Is it a polygon?

Memory with polygon names

Transformations Unit 6

Learn about flips/slides/turns

Shapes in Motion - Start here if you're unsure about rotations, reflections, and translations

Shape Mods - more difficult - challenge your brain!

Reflect and Rotate game


Area Baseball - Triangles

Area Baseball - Rectangles

Volume game

Find faces, edges, and vertices

Looking at shapes from different angles game

3D shapes challenge



Tessellation Builder

Tessellation creator - 'nuff said

M.C. Escher

Bruce Bilney

Practice with Negative Numbers

Game 1

Line Jumper

Space Coupe


Site One

Site Two

Site Three

    • Choose an idiom from the lists below you like and think you could illustrate (not one you did last year).
    • Research the meaning and origin of your idiom. Links are provided for you below.
    • Create a poster depicting the literal meaning of your idiom;
      • include a box clearly stating your idiom;
      • include a box clearly stating your idiom's origin;
      • If you find more than one possible origin, chose the one you like the most.

Idiom Origin Links:






Auggie's character traits
